
Walk with us, Making Change Together

Welcome to Mount Druitt, postcode 2770.

This richly diverse community in the heart of Western Sydney is strong, fierce and determined to show ChangeFest participants some of the remarkable stories from people who call Mount Druitt home.

ChangeFest was hosted at Kimberwalli, meaning ‘many stars’ in Darug language. The name honours Aboriginal language and recognises the role of stars in Aboriginal storytelling and learning, navigating country and following lore to sustain culture and well-being. The name also recognises young Aboriginal people can be the stars of their own destiny. This unique initiative will support young Aboriginal people in Western Sydney to transition from school to education and/or further employment.

Over 560 people gathered who were interested in place based social change.

Everyone was committed to making Australia a better place for all citizens and seeking change in our systems, recognising First Nations first within strong diverse and sustainable communities. Achievements were celebrated and new connections made. Learnings were shared between communities.

Mount Druitt is a richly diverse community, home to the largest Indigenous population in metropolitan Australia. Mt Druitt is also home to some groundbreaking, thriving community projects. The inaugural ChangeFest18 event in Logan, Queensland gathered communities to celebrate the new energies and success stories taking place in place based social change from all over Australia.   We built on these foundations on Darug country in Mt Druitt. 

Here are a few of the places and people from Mt Druitt who helped make ChangeFest happen:

Baabayn Community

Jesuit Social Services

The Hive

Kimberwalli will walk alongside young Aboriginal people as they navigate their future.

Kimberwalli is located on Darug country on the site of the old Whalan High School at 1 Mimika Avenue, Whalan.

The ChangeFest program featured amazing community talent from Mount Druitt and Western Sydney. It reflected many exciting place based change successes taking place around Australia. We also presented International speakers with unique experiences in their own communities to help us all gain perspective and advance our work in Australia.

To open each day of the program in a new window, please click on the day name. Download program – Day 0, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Full program

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Day 0 – Tuesday, 19 November 2019. A Free introductory day for citizens with Leadership Workshops, Jargon Busting and exploring what needs to change in Mount Druitt.

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Day 1 starts with the place we are in; the fabulously resilient and too often overlooked communities of Mount Druitt. There will be an update on the ChangeFest story as we set the agenda for the event.

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Day 2 will hear from different voices across Australia. Today’s plenary is all about how we walk together with respect. The afternoon is a series of working groups focused on what is getting in the way of change followed by a magical night of entertainment.

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Day 3 channels Fridays for Future to help direct our conversations to the bigger forces of change impacting our lives. From Climate Change to urban development to transforming power relationships, we will explore the wider purpose of the movement as we build new visions and possibilities for systems change in Australia.

Download Day 3 as PDF