The session focussed on the importance of the ChangeFest Statement which sits at the heart of the ChangeFest Movement. ChangeFest Elder Aunty Faith Green shared the story of origin of the ChangeFest Statement and emphasized the importance of collaboration and shared leadership between First Nations and other multicultural Australians, and how the Statement was a result of collective effort and helped build a movement.
Echoing these sentiments, Anna Powell shared her long engagement with ChangeFest and highlighted the importance of collaboration, shared leadership, and power. Both Aunty Faith and Anna expressed their commitment to the journey of change and their willingness to challenge each other for the greater good.
Ahead of the small group discussion, Aunty Faith introduced a children’s book, “Listen,” which she recently used as part of an acknowledgement with local housing providers and which emphasizes the importance of listening and truth-telling. From the book we are asked to:
And you will hear the voices of Ancestors.
Speaking to us.
Guiding us.
Leading us on the path to knowledge of culture, of Country.
To reconciliation.
This framed the conversations in which participants reflected on how they might use the ChangeFest Statement in their work with a focus on the three ChangeFest principles.
As with all our Learning Network sessions this year, we ended with a gratitude practice, with the following an extract from the words of appreciation for Aunty Faith, Anna and the session.
“Aunty Faith and Anna’s wisdom and encouragement to stay in the race and a reminder of our responsibility in this journey together and that the songlines continue!”
“Being re-inspired by the passion and deep heart of what many have shared today and the continuous considerations for the steps we all walk in many places.”
The event was a celebration of the ChangeFest Songlines past and future – and included the announcement of ChangeFest25 to be held in in Walyalup/Fremantle. Leigh Sinclair, from the local partner Imagined Futures, announced that CF25 will take place from the 19- 21 November 2025, in the local season of Kambarang – the wildflower season and the birth of many birds.
Background to the Event
As the ChangeFest Movement we are committed to learning and acting toward:
- First Nations voice being centred in local, regional and national decisions.
- Power and authority being harnessed for greater equity and collective agency, over top-down deficit based responses.
- As collaborators we align our power and resources to healing and transformation grounded in place, whether that be local, regional or country-wide in scale.
These aims are directly informed and led by the ChangeFest Statement which has sat at the heart of our Movement since the very first Gathering in Logan in 2018.
At this session you will hear from ChangeFest Elder, Aunty Faith Green and CFI CEO, Anna Powell, who together will tell the story of the ChangeFest Songlines and what it means to work together across locations, across times and across cultures.
Participants will have the opportunity to talk together about what the ChangeFest Statement could mean in your context – for you, for your community, for your organisation, for your country.